I didn’t quite realise how quickly Donegal would be calling me back, so when the opportunity came, I was on the road again and brought Ben as my helper.

This time however, rather then head through Northern Ireland, I thought that I’d go via Sligo and take the opportunity to check out locations like Mullaghmore Head, Gleniff Horseshoe, and Benbulben to name a few. I have to say that the extra time added on to the journey to Donegal was well worth it. So much so that I took the same route home. I look forward to heading back to Sligo to photograph those amazing locations and sharing them with you.
Donegal is a beautiful county with so many truly stunning locations for both discovering and revisiting. As mentioned in an earlier post, Ireland does have some very questionable speed limits on some very narrow roads. Here’s is an other example that I came across.

As I seem to always refer to, the weather in Ireland (especially Donegal) can be a bit hit or miss, and it was on this visit. The only real disappointment was the wind. It just didn’t stop blowing, which unfortunately did limit the use of the drone.

But not to worry, I did get the camera out a fair bit and am currently working on the photographs from the trip which I look forward to sharing with you soon.
So what is the moral for this trip? Every cloud does have a silver lining! In this case when I couldn’t take the camera out, Ben and I were able to explore a bit more of Donegal, especially the beaches and discover some wonderful new locations to shoot on my next visit.
Collections Update

Over the past couple of years I've been learning and working on another genre of photography that I also have great interest in, and that is abstract, which includes ICM (Intentional Camera Movement).
For the past few months I've been curating a number of abstract fine art prints to create a new collection which I am rally excited to be able to introduce to you later this month.
Watch this space!
That’s it for this update. I’ll be posting again soon with new additions to my Fine Art Collections and other news.
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