About the photograph - Clare Island Lighthouse

A beautiful summer's day and I was excited to explore another island off the west coast of Ireland, Clare Island which lies at the entrance to Clew Bay just off Co. Mayo. The Lighthouse, which is a private hotel as well as a tourist attraction, was one of the landmarks that I wanted to check out during my visit.
For me when I have a location/subject that I want to photograph, the bigger it is the further away I want to be so I can see it in it's entirety and then decide if I want/need to get closer. The Lighthouse was no exception, I wanted to find a spot that would enable me to show all of the building but also include its surroundings to provide context to it. I eventually found a location that I felt suited the shot that I had in mind. After a bit of trail and error with composition I decided on this shot. The sea was to the right of camera, but including it wasn't working. I felt that keeping it tighter worked better and that the sea would be implied as it is a lighthouse after all.
After getting some shots that I was happy with, it was time for a reward at the cafe located near the lighthouse. So off I trekked, only to find it closed, resulting in one very disappointed photographer :-( It only closes on Wednesday, so guess what day this was? Anyway, moral of the story... always read the small print even on a sign post!
Clare Island Lighthouse location at the north east tip of the island.