About the photograph - Golden Hour at Cleggan Bay (icm)

On a good day there is something magical about what we photographers refer to as Golden Hour. That time before sunset when the sun is low on the horizon and everything is bathed in a beautiful golden light.
And so it was on a recent trip to Connemara where I was staying close to the town of Cleggan. It was such a wonderful evening that I headed to the beach to assess the light and possibly photograph the bay and Cleggan harbour. When I arrived, I remember it being unusually calm for that time of day, with the water hardly having a ripple in it. As the sun got lower to the horizon the intensity of golden colour increased so much that it was as if everything was gold, the sky, the beach, and even the sea.
For this particular image, I knew I didn't want details, I wanted to try to capture the sheer intensity of gold colour that was all around me. So used icm to remove the detail and make the scene all about the colour that surrounded me. I really like the end result and I hope you do too.