About the photograph - Summer Verge (icm)

intentional camera movement of a road side verge with blurred colours of green grass and summer flowers
I was exploring sourthern Donegal and had arrived at Muckross Head. Another stunning location in one of my favourite counties in Ireland. Looking all around me and trying to decide what might be a nice composition and also imagine different lighting conditions to go with certain scenes, my eye was caught by blast of colour as I turned around quickly. It was nothing more than a grass verge by the side of the country road with lots of colourful wild summer flowers. Nice but nothing overly special regarding a photograph.
Looking at the verge, I was trying to understand what had caught my eye a few moments before. Thinking for what seemed a few minutes, I realised that my quick turn and not actually focusing my eyes on the verge had made the grass and flowers momentarily merge in to a blast of colour. I just felt that it was something that I had to try and recreate with the camera.
I have to admit that there were lots of attempts with different shutter speeds and camera movements before I was happy with the results.