About the photograph - Sunset rowers on Lough Leane

Sunsets in Ireland can be lovely, but sunsets in Ireland during a heatwave can be spectacular.
On this occasion I had located myself on the eastern shore of Lough Leane in Killarney National Park as having already scouted the area, I thought it would be a good spot to capture a sunset photograph. As we were in the midst of a heatwave, I figured that the chances were good that I could get one. As the sun went down the colours in the sky turned a wonderful red, orange and yellow, which reflected off the still water, while everything else was in sillouette. I was also fortunate enough that there some high altitude wispy clouds to accentuate the colours.
No matter what planning is put into a photograph, luck can play huge role in getting a great image. In this case as I was trying out different compositions and focal lengths a team of rowers came into view. I didn't have much time to adjust as they were moving pretty quickly. I refocused, took the shot, and am very happy that I didn't mess it up. I think the rowers definitely add to the photograph.