About the photograph - Louvre Pyramid symmetry



I am fortunate enough to have visited Paris a number of times over the years. It is definitely one of my favourite cities. I've also been there a number of times with my camera and I am always aware that I'm visiting one of the most photographed cities in the world.


Also know as the City of Light, I suppose that its no surprise that I love photographing Paris at night. Except for the Eiffel Tower as believe it or not, it's protected by copyright so professional photographers need to obtain permission for commercial photographs.


Anyway, I wanted to try and combine a couple of my favourite Parisian things in my photography, night time and The Louvre. The Louvre is one of my top locations in Paris, both inside and out. I just love the way they managed to merge the old with the new in a manner that works (for me anyway), and when I'm not shooting I just love wondering around the many rooms of the museum and getting lost.


This photograph was about trying to capture the old and the new. Because of the symmetry of the pyramids, the challenge was to line them up not only with each other but also with the Denon wing of the original Louvre. I am very happy with the result.