About the photograph - Terminal 4 at Madrid Barajas Airport



Believe it or not, you can be mesmorised by a ceiling. Its something I learnt a number of years ago as I was transferring through Madrid for a few hours on my way home to Dublin. Looking around me, I was stuck by the design of the terminal, especially the undulation of the bamboo ceiling, and the repeating pattern. So it was camera out and playtime with composition. I have to admit it was a wonderful way to spend my time waiting for my flight.


Always serves as a reminder to stop and look around, because you might miss something if you dont!


The award winning ceiling of terminal 4 at Barajas Madrid International airport was designed by Richard Rogers and consists of 200,000 m2 of gently curved laminated bamboo laths. Opened in 2006, the terminal has a capacity to host approximately 70 million passengers per year.