About the photograph - Twilight Clouds Lanzarote (icm)

an intentional camera movement view of clouds at twilight taken on Lanzarote, Canary Islands
Another beautiful evening on the island of Lanzarote and we were heading back to base after a wonderful day of exploring the sights of this beautiful volcanic island. Sunset had been witnessed and captured and as we headed from the beach, nature decided that she wasn't finished with us yet.
I've seen many sunsets and twilights, but I had never seen one like this. The sky and clouds had turned from their yellow and orange sunset colours to an intense red. It was all stop and cameras out.
As I was staring at this magical scene in front of me, in my minds eye it was all about the colour and the lines of thin clouds. Using a fast camera movement to capture the essence of the scene and none of the detail, I'm very happy with how it turned out. I'm also very grateful to have witnessed such an incredibly beautiful twilight.